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Landscapt With His Hands

Um, what did you mean when you wrote your hands? Just anyway, if you do land, you do it with your hands, at WP, when you draw a map, at WM, when you give a generation scheme using WE, VX, not using these flames. Or did you mean it was just your hands? But that means you put it down.
So, if you used the WE, it's weak, very weak, so much more could be done. If not, it's bullshit, because it doesn't seem so costly.
Another question is why you put it all down if "I'm gonna finish it up, build it up and fed it up." It's like a few constructions from the beginning. The second point on the trees, they look like themselves and all on one face, vanilla tall oaks look better. And all the apples are weird, because the apple in such places doesn't grow so much.
The weak detail (in terms of various objects on the map) and in principle it looks raw, I don't know why to put it.

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