Video Design

Мужской сад: ничего лишнего. Программа «Ландшафтные истории»The owner of a 20-bed plot wanted his garden to be beautiful and not need care. Professionals have made this wish: in two years, only one spring cut and nothing else was required! Even the tidal was only once when you landed.

Colored maggolia in Podmoskovier? It's a reality for Natalia Mandriko's rare plant collector. In her small garden, almost two dozen of these plants are growing, as are bamboo, almond and cactus. Irina Belashev ' s Landscape Hits Programme led him to visit heroin at a time when he could be seen by coloring magic.

Ландшафтные хитрости, 130 серия. Экзотические растения в садуThey're like a strong aromat and white flowers, a native Russian plague and a warmly graceful foreign Jasmine. However, these are two very different plants, and in the gardens of the middle strip of Russia, the soul mates only meet the bush. Irina Belashev, a leading Landscape Hits programme, once made such a mistake. And now, in her garden, there's a whole collection of rubbers. There's so many of them that have to be devoted to blooming artisanians for two wholes of transmission!

Stones like flowers! Stone objects in the Irina Homenko Landscape Architecture, even as simple and practical as roads and sites, are unusually beautiful.Ландшафтные хитрости, 105 и 106 серии. Чубушник – русский жасмин The lady of the garden was born in May, and her love for spring flowers decided to express, by stealing a site with a frost mosaic. Surprisingly, Irina Homenko has done almost everything on her own, even drinking a Bulgarian stone! In her hard work, the artist uses a new purchase material, and the rest of her previous fractures and cuts are made of this kind of petty little thing, and she has a whole bed for morning tea.

Fresh aromat and cherished sorrows of tender shades are a siren. To see her flower, Irina Belashev ' s leading Landscape Hits program has arrived in the Siringary of the Botanical Garden of the MU. For 10 days, as the siren blooms, this place becomes truly magical. Aromat bushes are planted in two rows: on the one hand, domestic varieties and on the other, foreign varieties. The colors are changing each other gradually, from the shade to the shade to the black to white. The colony was established more than 45 years ago and continues to be filled.

Ландшафтные хитрости, 104 серия. Камень, плитка и цветы в саду Ирины Хоменко Ландшафтные хитрости, 103 серия. Сиреневый сад Хохломская роспись в саду Ландшафтные хитрости, 102 серия. Июньский сад: пионы и ирисы
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