Yes And Garden

♪ When we spoke to you in 2008, you said your dream was to be a Russian barn on your land. But today you're getting deeper into the virtual web of the Internet, breaking out of the land you love. What does that have to do with it?
♪ In the shower, I'd like to have a house drowning in the siren, somewhere in the peaceful middle Russian strip, with gardens, fields and gardens - I like the earth and the feeling of it, but... First of all, it's dreams for young people, not for those who have a backache. And secondly, it's all beautiful in my dreams that I'm not going to do. In Russia, rural life is dangerous and unpleasant, especially in the suburbs, there are all kinds of attacks and other greed. We had a kick and sold it because no one wants to be exposed. We need to live under guard and behind barbed wire, but that's not it. What's the good virtual reality? You can create any name there...
♪ What principle do you develop your virtual policy of making parishes, fridays, banites, come on, excuse me, scumbags?
♪ My "frends" is a very narrow circle of people I know and pleasant. Next is a circle of people who are either interested in reading or they extract interesting references that I never do. I'm also a friend with people who's very uncomfortable, and I need to know what they're doing and what they're targeting. There's a totally disgusting thing! One day, I've set up an experiment-- called for the most humiliating, very vicious. There's a lot of people out there who want to take me, I'm a jerk too. That wasn't enough. I needed someone who wouldn't come and ask for it. Recurrently, I find and join you, I think they're surprised.
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