Дачный интерьер своими руками

A Long-Term Interior With His Hands

Дачный интерьер своими руками: 12 оригинальных идей


What summer without vegetables? In fresh shape, ear, carcases, wrapped in grilles, vegetables are very useful and delicious. They're everywhere, in the garden, at the shops, on the dining table. Even the pillow will be in the shape of a pumpkin!

Rosing on the wall

Let's say you're allergic to room flowers. Or your cat eats everything that grows in the mountains. Or you're pathologically forgetting to bury plants, but greens in the house. What do we do? The answer is to draw.

Box for desk games

A lot of people think that gambling is bad. In fact, they develop logic, make them think, learn strategies - word, gambling helps personal development.


A large project, such as the cover, is difficult to solve at the beginning of the development of sludge. However, individual clusters that have been implemented in different ways can be applied.


For those who grow room plants, the choice of cough is not an easy task. In addition to being practical, it must emphasize all the virtues of the flower and correspond to it. We're offering to take a simple ceramic cough and sign it in Mexican style. In this environment, there will be a good cocotus and any other exotic plant.

A pillow.

What summer without vegetables? In fresh shape, ear, carcases, wrapped in grilles, vegetables are very useful and delicious. They're everywhere, in the garden, the shops, the lunch table, and even... the pillows. It's time for vitamins!

The curtain on the sink

There must be no man who wouldn't love the sea. The artists and the poets will reign it in their creations, and the designers offer us... to move a little sea into the house. If the idea seems attractive to you, but there's no way to renovate, turn on the fantasy, go shopping a little, and get on with it.
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